We have purchased and will be using a professional cordless Electrostatic handheld sprayer made by the Victory company to us in sterilization of the classrooms and toys. This type of sprayer can be used in schools and is safe for those who have asthma. After receiving the spray, the item or surface is sanitized for viruses and dries within three minutes. Article in USA Today about Air Quality
The classrooms will be sprayed each morning by our cleaning company prior to the start of school in addition to our more extensive daily cleaning.
The sprayer will be used on the playground in between the different classes on all the equipment, bikes, cars, and helmets.
The sprayer will be used in the classroom in between each center use on all items such as blocks, Legos, play kitchen items, and all surfaces of the centers.
Our cleaning company will use extended measures with our Lysol products to clean the classrooms and bathrooms
Our HVAC system will be fitted with UV filters to clean the air provided by our air condition and heating systems. Article in USA Today about Air Quality
All tables and chairs will be wiped with Lysol wipes before and after each use.
At every transition during the day the areas in use and materials will be cleaned and sterilized with the electrostatic sprayer, Lysol wipes, or Lysol disinfectant.
Each classroom will enter a separate door to the individual classroom. Lawn signs identifying classrooms A, B, C, and D will be prominently placed to denote where to enter. Families will wait on the STNS circles six feet apart on the sidewalk and into the building. A map will be provided in the teacher placement letter for each classroom. .
The Director will be stationed in between the white fences to direct families to the separate entrances and answer any questions as I normally did so in the foyer..
All parents and children will wear masks at arrival and dismissal. Staff members will always have masks on. Children will be able to remove the mask by their parent at the door upon entering the classroom. Upon entering they will immediately wash their hands. At dismissal, the children will place their mask back on to leave the building. If a parent would prefer their child wear a mask during the school day, they may do so. Staff will not be able to assist the child with the mask in case of contamination.
i. Temperature check & Health Screening: Although no longer mandated by the OEC, all children will be temperature checked by an infrared forehead thermometer at the door to the classroom. The teacher will ask the parent to record the reading. Children will not be allowed to attend school with a temperature over 100.4. In addition, we will screen staff and children for any observable illness, including cough or respiratory distress, prior to entering the facility.
1. Staff will ask the parent/guardian to confirm that the child does not have a fever, shortness of breath, or cough. ◆ Make a visual inspection of the child for signs of illness which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness.
Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol will be placed at every sign in log to the classroom for your use and your child.
Thermometers and doorways will be decorated by each teacher for a vibrant and kid friendly welcome.
Communication with families at arrival and dismissal: We will be keeping our communication brief at arrival and dismissal as people will be waiting in line outside and weather could be inclement. Our staff will be utilizing other methods of communication such as emails, Remind text, or phone calls.
Nap items: These items will be sent home each day. A bag for nap items for our all-day students will be sent home at Meet and Greet. Nap bags will be placed on separate hooks in the hallway or near the classroom for separation and easy retrieval. Nap items should be limited to a receiving size blanket and travel size pillow.
Lockers will be divided so that each child has a specific area and tote bags and coats do not touch one another. Lunch boxes will be stored in the smaller portion of the cubby so as not to meet other lunch boxes.
Handwashing is the best defense against the spread of any virus. Our handwashing policy has now been updated to include the following procedures. All sinks in the nursery school will now have automated dispensers to avoid contact and cross contamination. Paper towels will be easily available at each sink. The classrooms sinks will have an Alexa type device that will play music at twenty second intervals to ensure the children wash for the appropriate time.
Staff and students will wash their hands at the following times:
i. Upon arrival to school
ii. After arrival activity
iii. At every transition
1. Example: Before and after every center, before and after eating, before and after playground use
iv. Washing hands before and after lunch with automated dispenser
v. After using the bathroom
vi. Any time a person coughs or sneezes
*All lunches are peanut/tree nut free. Parents will provide the utensils needed for each lunch daily.
*Snack: Each classroom will have labeled snack items and drinks. One staff member in the kitchen at a time retrieving and returning the snack items.
i. Children will be placed six feet apart or head to toe to accommodate the spacing.
ii. Washing of hands before and after nap for both students and staff
iii. Nap items will be stored on hooks in bags separate from one another being sent home nightly so that the personal belongings of each child do not remain in the school overnight.
iv. Cots will be sprayed individually after each use and stored with a plastic cover when not in use.
i. Playground schedule: Each class will have a set playground time with a 15-minute gap in between for cleaning with the sprayer to sterilize big toys/cars/outdoor toys. All day classes will have a morning and afternoon playground time.
Purel, tissues, gloves, and a trash can will be placed on playground
i. Outdoor seating area with tables will be an option for teachers to utilize for snacks, lunch, or instruction. This area will be within the fenced in playground in a separate area. These table will be sanitized before and after use.
i. Playdough will be placed in separate mini tubs with tools in a labeled bag for each child.
ii. Pencil boxes: Labeled for each child with crayons, markers, scissor, pencil, glue stick.
1. Teachers can decide which items at the timetable of usage.
2. Pencil boxes will travel to the writing centers with the children
Storage of pencil boxes on top of writing centers
Health and Well Being
*If a child becomes ill while at school for any reason, they will be brought to the meeting room outside the Director’s office which will serve as the isolation room. Parents will be notified to pick up the child.
*Temperature checks will also occur mid-day to ensure that there is no change in the child’s temperature.
*Update to our current policy regarding illness: A child must now remain out of school for 48 hours if they have a fever or gastrointestinal illness. The child must be fever free and not exhibit any signs of gastrointestinal distress for 48 hours before returning to school.
If a child or staff member who has been present in the program is diagnosed with COVID-19, the child care provider must notify families and staff about the exposure.
◆ In February 2020, COVID-19 was added to the List of Reportable Diseases. Those required to report such diseases must report cases of COVID-19 infection immediately to the DPH Epidemiology and Emerging Infection Program (860-509-7994) and the local department of health in the town of residence of the case-patient by telephone on the day of recognition or strong suspicion of the disease. Contact information for the local health department can be found at https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Local-Health-Admin/LHA/Local-Health-Administration---Site-Map.
Additional practices to those below may be recommended to the provider in consultation with the local health department or the DPH:
◆Determine the date of symptom onset for the child/staff member.
◆Determine if the child/staff member attended/worked at the program while symptomatic or during the two days before symptoms began.
◆ Identify what days the child/staff member attended/worked during that time.
◆Determine who had close contact with the child/staff member at the program during those days (staff and other children) and implement steps below for child or staff member exposed to COVID-19.
◆ Exclude the children and staff members who are determined to have had close contact with the appropriate cleaning and disinfection.
Depending on the size of the program and the number of people affected, closure of a particular room in the program (for larger centers) or the entire program might need to be considered. Specific situations and exposures can be discussed with the local health department or the DPH at 860-509-7994.
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